[ironic] PTG and topics oh my

Julia Kreger juliaashleykreger at gmail.com
Wed Mar 31 18:15:59 UTC 2021

As everyone hopefully knows by now, the PTG[0] is coming up.

We've had an etherpad[1] posted for about a month. During this time,
the etherpad has collected 22 topics. I'm 99.95% sure there is some
topic overlap, but what we need to make a schedule... or at least
begin to form an agenda which requires us understanding what community
members perceive as priorities or important topics.

So if everyone over the next couple days could do the following two
tasks, it would help tremendously for consensus building.

1) Add any missing topics you feel to be important
2) Add +1's to topics you feel are important for yourself OR the community.

As always, pressing topics and topics which have the most votes will
tend to have more time allocated.


[0]: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/project-teams-gathering-april-2021-tickets-143360351671
[1]: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-xena-ptg

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