[manila][requirements] FFE requested for python-manilaclient

Goutham Pacha Ravi gouthampravi at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 21:48:12 UTC 2021


We were tracking one last feature inclusion into python-manilaclient
for the wallaby release:

The change does not introduce any new requirements, but adds new SDK
methods and shell implementations for end users to harness a feature
addition in manila to be able to update their security services.

The release team was very gracious in allowing us to wrap up code
reviews pertaining to the above change over the weekend; however, the
gate was uncooperative this morning by pointing us to lingering
sporadic failures that are a combination of bad test case logic as
well as occasional test environment setup issues. (Zuul is awesome,
but it has a way to call out our procrastinations)

No projects that depend on python-manilaclient need this change in
their current form because it is net new feature functionality
(existing SDK/CLI functionality is unaltered). However, I thought i
should check here before requesting a re-release of
python-manilaclient under the Wallaby cycle.


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