[nova][placement] Openstack only building one VM per machine in cluster, then runs out of resources
Laurent Dumont
laurentfdumont at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 03:51:10 UTC 2021
I'm curious to see if I can reproduce the issue in my test-env. I never
tried puppet-openstack so might as well see how it goes!
The ServerFault issue mentions the puppet-openstack integration being used
to deploy Ussuri? Specifically, the puppet modules being at the 17.4
But looking at
- the modules for Ussuri should be at 16.x? Could it be some kind of weird
setup of the deployment modules for Ussuri/placement that didn't go as
On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 9:13 PM Jeffrey Mazzone <jmazzone at uchicago.edu>
> On Jun 30, 2021, at 5:06 PM, melanie witt <melwittt at gmail.com> wrote:
> I suggest you run the 'openstack resource provider show <RP UUID>
> --allocations' command as Balazs mentioned earlier to show all of the
> allocations (used resources) on the compute node. I also suggest you run
> the 'nova-manage placement audit' tool [1] as Sylvain mentioned earlier to
> show whether there are any orphaned allocations, i.e. allocations that are
> for instances that no longer exist. The consumer UUID is the instance UUID.
> I did both of those suggestions. "openstack resource provider show <RP
> UUID> —allocations" shows what is expected. No additional orphaned vms and
> the resources used is correct. Here is an example of a different set of
> hosts and zones. This host had 2x 16 core vms on it before the cluster went
> into this state. You can see them both below. The nova-manage audit
> commands do not show any orphans either.
> ~# openstack resource provider show 41ecee2a-ec24-48e5-8b9d-24065d67238a --allocations
> +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Field | Value |
> +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | uuid | 41ecee2a-ec24-48e5-8b9d-24065d67238a |
> | name | kh09-56 |
> | generation | 55 |
> | root_provider_uuid | 41ecee2a-ec24-48e5-8b9d-24065d67238a |
> | parent_provider_uuid | None |
> | allocations | {'d6b9d19c-1ba9-44c2-97ab-90098509b872': {'resources': {'DISK_GB': 50, 'MEMORY_MB': 16384, 'VCPU': 16}, 'consumer_generation': 1}, 'e0a8401a-0bb6-4612-a496-6a794ebe6cd0': {'resources': {'DISK_GB': 50, 'MEMORY_MB': 16384, 'VCPU': 16}, 'consumer_generation': 1}} |
> +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> Usage on the resource provider:
> ~# openstack resource provider usage show 41ecee2a-ec24-48e5-8b9d-24065d67238a
> +----------------+-------+
> | resource_class | usage |
> +----------------+-------+
> | VCPU | 32 |
> | MEMORY_MB | 32768 |
> | DISK_GB | 100 |
> +----------------+-------+
> All of that looks correct. Requesting it to check allocations for a 4 VCPU
> vm also shows it as a candidate:
> ~# openstack allocation candidate list --resource VCPU=4 | grep 41ecee2a-ec24-48e5-8b9d-24065d67238a
> | 41 | VCPU=4 | 41ecee2a-ec24-48e5-8b9d-24065d67238a | VCPU=32/1024,MEMORY_MB=32768/772714,DISK_GB=100/7096
> In the placement database, under the used column, also shows the correct
> values for the information provided above with those 2 vms on it:
> +---------------------+------------+-------+----------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------+-------+
> | created_at | updated_at | id | resource_provider_id | consumer_id | resource_class_id | used |
> +---------------------+------------+-------+----------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------+-------+
> | 2021-06-02 18:45:05 | NULL | 4060 | 125 | e0a8401a-0bb6-4612-a496-6a794ebe6cd0 | 2 | 50 |
> | 2021-06-02 18:45:05 | NULL | 4061 | 125 | e0a8401a-0bb6-4612-a496-6a794ebe6cd0 | 1 | 16384 |
> | 2021-06-02 18:45:05 | NULL | 4062 | 125 | e0a8401a-0bb6-4612-a496-6a794ebe6cd0 | 0 | 16 |
> | 2021-06-04 18:39:13 | NULL | 7654 | 125 | d6b9d19c-1ba9-44c2-97ab-90098509b872 | 2 | 50 |
> | 2021-06-04 18:39:13 | NULL | 7655 | 125 | d6b9d19c-1ba9-44c2-97ab-90098509b872 | 1 | 16384 |
> | 2021-06-04 18:39:13 | NULL | 7656 | 125 | d6b9d19c-1ba9-44c2-97ab-90098509b872 | 0 | 16 |
> Trying to build a vm though.. I get the placement error with the
> improperly calculated “Used” values.
> 2021-06-30 19:51:39.732 43832 WARNING placement.objects.allocation [req-de225c66-8297-4b34-9380-26cf9385d658 a770bde56c9d49e68facb792cf69088c 6da06417e0004cbb87c1e64fe1978de5 - default default] Over capacity for VCPU on resource provider b749130c-a368-4332-8a1f-8411851b4b2a. Needed: 4, Used: 18509, Capacity: 1024.0
> Outside of changing the allocation ratio, im completely lost. Im confident
> it has to do with that improper calculation of the used value but how is it
> being calculated if it isn’t being added up from fixed values in the
> database as has been suggested?
> Thanks in advance!
> -Jeff M
> The tl;dr on how the value is calculated is there's a table called
> 'allocations' in the placement database that holds all the values for
> resource providers and resource classes and it has a 'used' column. If you
> add up all of the 'used' values for a resource class (VCPU) and resource
> provider (compute node) then that will be the total used of that resource
> on that resource provider. You can see this data by 'openstack resource
> provider show <RP UUID> --allocations' as well.
> The allocation ratio will not affect the value of 'used' but it will
> affect the working value of 'total' to be considered higher than it
> actually is in order to oversubscribe. If a compute node has 64 cores and
> cpu_allocation ratio is 16 then 64 * 16 = 1024 cores will be allowed for
> placement on that compute node.
> You likely have "orphaned" allocations for the compute node/resource
> provider that are not mapped to instances any more and you can use
> 'nova-manage placement audit' to find those and optionally delete them.
> Doing that will cleanup your resource provider. First, I would run it
> without specifying --delete just to see what it shows without modifying
> anything.
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