Security Interface for Ironic Discussion

Jeremy Stanley fungi at
Tue Feb 23 21:25:06 UTC 2021

On 2021-02-23 15:31:13 -0500 (-0500), Leo McGann wrote:
> I just wanted to throw out there a discussion we will be having
> about Ironic and the creation of a new generic security interface
> and integration with Keylime as a means of node attestation
> tomorrow at 1pm EST. I have attached a link to the spec we are
> drafting and a google calendar invite to this email.

Thanks for the heads up! Unfortunately, that URL doesn't seem to
work unless you log into a Google account, from what I can tell. Can
you follow up with the relevant details for the quarter of the world
population whose government doesn't allow access to Google's
services, but also people like me who use other, perhaps open
source, calendaring solutions?
Jeremy Stanley
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