答复: Can neutron-fwaas project be revived?
Dazhong Qin (秦海中)-云数据中心集团
qinhaizhong01 at inspur.com
Thu Dec 23 02:09:32 UTC 2021
Hi Miguel,
I am glad to hear this news. How about our discussion on January 7th, this Friday is not convenient, what do I need to prepare before the discussion, do I need to submit rfe or other descriptions?
发件人: Miguel Lavalle [mailto:miguel at mlavalle.com]
发送时间: 2021年12月23日 0:20
收件人: Dazhong Qin (秦海中)-云数据中心集团 <qinhaizhong01 at inspur.com>
抄送: openstack-discuss at lists.openstack.org
主题: Re: Can neutron-fwaas project be revived?
Hi Qin,
I think that in principle the community will be delighted if you and your team can reactivate the project and maintain it. Probably the best next step is for you to attend the next Neutron drivers meeting (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers) so we can discuss the specifics of your proposal. This meeting takes place on Fridays at 1400 UTC over IRC in oftc.net <http://oftc.net> , channel #openstack-neutron. Due to the end of year festivities in much of Europe and America, the next meeting will take place until January 7th. Is that a good next step for you? If yes, I'll add this topic to the meeting's agenda.
Best regards
On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 10:29 AM Dazhong Qin (秦海中)-云数据中心集团 <qinhaizhong01 at inspur.com <mailto:qinhaizhong01 at inspur.com> > wrote:
The firewall project is a necessary function when the project is delivered. The lack of firewall function after switching OVN is not acceptable to customers. We intend to maintain this project and develop the fwaas driver based on ovn. Whether the neutron-fwaas project can be reactivate? What should I do ?
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