[tacker][elections] PTL candidacy for Yoga
Yasufumi Ogawa
yasufum.o at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 17:03:20 UTC 2021
I'd like to propose my candidacy for Tacker PTL in Yoga cycle.
I've contributed to Tacker to introduce ETSI-NVF standard compliant
features from Victoria cycle as a PTL. It's still midway of roadmap of
our development plan and I'll continue to lead the development in the
next cycle.
- Implement the latest container technology with ETSI NFV standard.
- Support multi API versions which is a mechanism for operators enable
to deploy mixed environment of multi-vendor products in which some
products provide a stable version APIs while other products adopt move
advanced ones.
- Proceed to design and implement test framework under development in
ETSI NFV TST to improve the quality of the product, not only unit tests
and functional tests, but also introduce more sophisticated scheme such
as robot framework.
- And also new requirements will be proposed in the next PTG!
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