Chris Lyons
chris at lyonsgroup.family
Fri Aug 6 14:07:47 UTC 2021
Both of those appear ok…. I do have the amphora image set to public and I see this in the Octavia.conf file:
amp_ssh_key_name = octavia_ssh_key
amp_image_tag = amphora
amp_image_owner_id = 4269b3cd5452416e8153f5b4f5adcf0c
amp_boot_network_list = adfa01a9-55bd-42ea-b849-81060d5d7c09
amp_secgroup_list = ecf269e2-42fc-477b-9ce1-38d60c1d8d5d
amp_flavor_id = c854d1e7-885f-4f7a-88a3-79728b561830
client_ca = /etc/octavia/certs/client_ca.cert.pem
network_driver = allowed_address_pairs_driver
compute_driver = compute_nova_driver
amphora_driver = amphora_haproxy_rest_driver
amp_active_retries = 100
amp_active_wait_sec = 2
loadbalancer_topology = SINGLE
From: Michael Johnson <johnsomor at gmail.com>
Date: Friday, August 6, 2021 at 10:04 AM
To: Chris Lyons <chris at lyonsgroup.family>
Cc: openstack-discuss at lists.openstack.org <openstack-discuss at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: Octavia
This is a kolla bug most likely.
This could be caused by a few possible issues in kolla:
1. The images are owned by the wrong project. Kolla may deploy
Octavia under a special service project. The image kolla uploads to
glance must be uploaded under the service project as owner. A simple
test to see if this is the issue would be to set the image as "public"
such that all users of the cloud can see it. If a load balancer can be
created after that change, the images are loaded under a project that
Octavia cannot access.
2. The other possibility is kolla configured an alternate tag name.
Check the [controller_worker] amp_image_tag setting [1] in
octavia.conf. The images must be tagged with the same name as is
configured in the octavia.conf for the controllers.
Let us know either way (and ideally open a bug for kolla) what you find out.
[1] https://docs.openstack.org/octavia/latest/configuration/configref.html#controller_worker.amp_image_tag
On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 5:52 AM Chris Lyons <chris at lyonsgroup.family> wrote:
> Octavia group,
> I created this story to see if I could get some assistance on an Octavia issue I am having with my infra. I did a vanilla install of Openstack Wallaby using the Kolla project with Octavia enabled and auto-configure set. Everything appeared to install fine. When I try to create a load balancer using the horizon console or the cli or through further installs such as cloudfoundry that require a loadbalancer, I get an error from glance about “No image found with tag amphora” even though the image does exist. I hope it is something simple or an oversight on my part. Could I get some ideas or places to look?
> Story:
> https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2009103
> Kolla install followed:
> https://docs.openstack.org/kolla-ansible/latest/reference/networking/octavia.html
> cli output :
> [root at kolla ~]# openstack image list --tag amphora
> +--------------------------------------+---------------------+--------+
> | ID | Name | Status |
> +--------------------------------------+---------------------+--------+
> | 8f7398e7-7912-43b8-8131-e90f21c91ab4 | amphora | active |
> | 9bf14389-8521-4fb7-a7db-925f4dea1bf3 | amphora-x64-haproxy | active |
> +--------------------------------------+---------------------+--------+
> [root at kolla ~]#
> My Infra scripts (relevant):
> https://github.com/mephmanx/openstack-scripts/blob/32363ef5753fdec381f713c747c90a5c14b3ae72/kolla.sh#L340
> I am admin of said infra so if anyone has time or availability (or interest) to log in and take a look I would be happy to provide creds.
> Thank you for any time that you could provide or offer!
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