[puppet] Proposing Alan Bishop (abishop) for puppet-cinder core and puppet-glance core

Takashi Kajinami tkajinam at redhat.com
Thu Apr 8 14:48:15 UTC 2021


Thank you, all who shared your feedback !

Because we have only positive responses and I got +2 from Emilien locally,
I'll invite Alan to the core team for these two projects based on my

I'll request new groups specific to puppet-cinder and puppet-glance
in a few days and add him to these groups once prepared.

Thank you, Alan, for your nice work so far, and I'm looking forward
to your further contributions !

Thank you,

On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 6:24 PM Takashi Kajinami <tkajinam at redhat.com>

> Hello,
> I'd like to propose Alan Bishop (abishop) for the core team of
> puppet-cinder
> and puppet-glance.
> Alan has been actively involved in these 2 modules for a few years
> and has implemented some nice features like multiple backend support in
> glance,
> cinder s3 backup driver and etc, which expanded adoption of
> puppet-openstack.
> He has also provided good reviews on patches for these 2 repos based
> on his understanding about our code, puppet and serverspec.
> He is an active contributor to cinder and has deep knowledge about it.
> In addition He is also a core review in TripleO, which consumes our puppet
> modules,
> and mainly covers storage components like cinder and glance, so he is
> familiar
> with the way how these two components are deployed and configured.
> I believe adding him to our board helps us improve our review of these two
> modules.
> I'll wait for one week to hear any feedback from other core reviewers.
> Thank you,
> Takashi

Takashi Kajinami
Principal Software Maintenance Engineer
Customer Experience and Engagement
Red Hat
email: tkajinam at redhat.com
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