all Octavia LoadBalancer

Adekunbi Adewojo aadewojo at
Tue Apr 6 15:34:03 UTC 2021

Thank you very much for your detailed response. I checked my previous
loadbalancer implementation, the members operating status showed active.
However, when I checked the access log of one of the load balancer member
it showed this "06/Apr/2021:06:25:05 +0000] "GET /healthcheck HTTP/1.0" 404

I then deleted the load balancer and recreated it. I realised that before
adding a listener or any other thing, the load balancer wasn't showing an
"Online"  status as suggested by the cookbook. I also ran the stat command
and everything was zero.

I see that you mentioned neutron, I do not have admin access, I might have
to go back to the admin. But from what I said, do you still think it is a
neutron issue?


On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 4:12 PM Michael Johnson <johnsomor at> wrote:

> Hi Adekunbi,
> It sounds like the backend servers (web servers?) are not passing the
> health check or are otherwise unreachable. Provisioning status of
> Active shows that Octavia was able to create and provision the load
> balancer without error.
> Let's look at a few things:
> 1. Check if the that load balancer has statistics for the your
> connections to the VIP:
>     openstack loadbalancer stats show <lb name or ID>
> If these are all zeros, your deployment of Octavia is not working
> correctly. Most likely the lb-mgmt-net is not passing the required
> traffic. Please debug in neutron.
> Assuming you see a value greater than zero in the "total_connections"
> column, your deployment is working as expected.
> 2. Check your health monitor configuration and load balancer status:
>     openstack loadbalancer status show <lb name or ID>
> Check the "operating status" of all of the objects in your load
> balancer.  As a refresher, operating status is the observed status of
> the object, so do we see the backend member as ONLINE, etc.
>     openstack loadbalancer member show <pool ID or name> <member ID or
> name>
> Also check that the member is configured with the correct subnet that
> can reach the backend member server. If a subnet was not specified, it
> will use the VIP subnet to attempt to reach the members.
> If the members are in operating status ERROR, this means that the load
> balancer sees that server as failed.  Check your health monitor
> configuration (If you have one) to make sure it is connecting to the
> correct IPs and ports and the expected response is correct for your
> application.
>     openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor show <health monitor ID>
> Also, check that the members have security groups or other firewall
> runs set appropriately to allow the load balancer to access it.
> Michael
> On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 8:36 AM Adekunbi Adewojo <aadewojo at>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I recently deployed a load balancer on our openstack private cloud. I
> used this manual -
> > to create the load balancer. However, after creating and trying to
> access it, it returns an error message saying "No server is available to
> handle this request". Also on the dashboard, "Operating status" shows
> offline but "provisioning status" shows active. I have two web applications
> as members of the load balancer and I can individually access those web
> applications.
> >
> > Could someone please point me in the right direction?
> >
> > Thanks.
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