[election][cinder] PTL candidacy for Wallaby
Brian Rosmaita
rosmaita.fossdev at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 20:08:02 UTC 2020
Hello everyone,
I hereby announce my candidacy for Cinder PTL for the Wallaby cycle.
I've been PTL for two cycles, so you have a pretty good idea by now of
what it's like to work on the Cinder project with me in that role, and
whether or not it would be a good idea for me to continue.
There are a few things I'd like to see the project emphasize during the
Wallaby development cycle; hopefully the team will self-organize around
these themes.
* Continued development of the cinder-tempest-plugin. We need
more automated tests for more complicated scenarios, partly
to prevent regressions for fixed bugs, but also to detect
some problems before they are reported by users.
* Better understanding of why some of the gate jobs are
intermittently failing, particularly the backup-related tests
in the tempest-storage suite.
* Better review bandwidth. The core team we carried over from
Ussuri to Victoria is still active, but as their careers have
progressed, they have taken on more responsibilities in their
day jobs, and their review counts have declined a bit. We
added Lucio as a new core during Victoria; it would be good
to add another person or two during the Wallaby cycle. Anyone
working on the cinder project who's interested in working to
get themselves into a position where they could be nominated
as a cinder core, please contact me (or any of the current
cores) to discuss what the expectations are.
Those are what's been on my mind lately. As far as specific features,
etc., those will emerge from our PTG discussions, to which I encourage
you to contribute:
We've had productive virtual mid-cycle meetings for two cycles now, and
the cinder-weekly-meeting-once-a-month-in-videoconference seems to help
keep the team connected, so I'd like to continue that. The team adapted
well to the virtual PTG format for Victoria, so I'm confident we'll have
a productive virtual Wallaby PTG, though I sincerely hope we'll once
again have the opportunity to meet face-to-face for the 'X' PTG.
As far as external interest in the Cinder project goes, we've added some
new drivers in Victoria and already have one new driver proposed for
Wallaby, with at least one more on the way, which is nice.
Thanks for reading this far, and thank you for your consideration.
Brian Rosmaita (rosmaita)
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