[ptl][release] RC1 Deadline Tomorrow

Sean McGinnis sean.mcginnis at gmx.com
Wed Sep 23 17:08:14 UTC 2020

Hey everyone,

Just a reminder that tomorrow, September 24, is the RC1 deadline for the
Victoria cycle.

If you have any cycle-based deliverables, there should have been a patch
proposed earlier this week. If your project is ready, and if you've
merged any final critical patches for Victoria, please +1 that patch so
the release team knows it is safe to proceed.

If you are working on any final patches, please update the release patch
as soon as those merge to point to the commit hash for the tag and
branch. After RC1 and the stable/victoria branch is created, any
additional bugfixes will need to merge to the master branch first, then
be backported to stable/victoria.


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