[Neutron] Not create .2 port

Eugen Block eblock at nde.ag
Fri Sep 18 11:09:26 UTC 2020

Hi Tony,

I'm not sure if that's what you mean, but during subnet creation you  
can disable the gateway in two ways:

- Horizon: check "Disable Gateway" in "Create subnet" dialog
- CLI: openstack subnet create --gateway none ...

This doesn't create any ports in the subnet. Or do you mean something  


Zitat von Tony Liu <tonyliu0592 at hotmail.com>:

> Hi,
> When create a subnet, by default, the first address is the
> gateway and Neutron also allocates an address for serving
> DHCP and DNS. Is there any way to NOT create such port when
> creating subnet?
> Thanks!
> Tony

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