[ptg][kolla] Please stop translating Etherpads

Mark Goddard mark at stackhpc.com
Mon Oct 26 08:56:43 UTC 2020

On Mon, 26 Oct 2020 at 08:54, Mark Goddard <mark at stackhpc.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Over the weekend, the Kolla Etherpad [1] has had various sections
> replaced with (what I think is) a Chinese translation, twice. This
> replaces the original English text for everyone. I guess that this is
> some browser based translator that does not realise it is modifying
> the page content for everyone. The export/import procedure I used to
> restore the etherpad loses some formatting, attributions, and may have
> lost content if changes were made in between.
> Please, we need to find another solution for translation. If you need
> to make translations, please copy text to another window, or at least
> provide translations for specific text *next to the English*.
> If this happens again we will need to move to another tool, such as
> Google docs. I would much prefer not to do this, and rather use an
> open source tool that is widely accessible, but we do need to be able
> to collaborate this week without disruption.
> I look forward to working with you this week. I hope this does not
> discourage non-native English speakers, of which there is generally a
> majority. If I can provide any assistance to make the sessions more
> accessible, please get in touch.

I added the following text at the top of the page:

(Please do not translate this page. It modifies the text for everyone.)

This came from Google translate. If there is a better translation or
wording, I'm open to it.

> Cheers,
> Mark
> [1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/kolla-wallaby-ptg

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