Hi everyone, Here's an update for what happened in the OpenStack TC this week. You can get more information by checking for changes in openstack/governance repository. # Patches ## Open Reviews - Add gmann liaison preference https://review.opendev.org/758602 - Resetting projects' TC liaisons empty https://review.opendev.org/758600 - Adopting the DPL governance model for oslo https://review.opendev.org/757906 - Implement distributed leadership in tools and schema https://review.opendev.org/757966 - Update TC size https://review.opendev.org/758168 - Add nomination for TC chair https://review.opendev.org/758181 - Appoint Adam Harwell as Octavia PTL https://review.opendev.org/758121 - Appoint XueFeng Liu as Senlin PTL https://review.opendev.org/758122 - Appoint Rafael Weingartner as CloudKitty PTL https://review.opendev.org/758120 - Appoint Frode Nordahl as OpenStack Charms PTL https://review.opendev.org/758119 - Add election schedule exceptions in charter https://review.opendev.org/751941 - Clarify impact on releases for SIGs https://review.opendev.org/752699 - Add assert:supports-standalone https://review.opendev.org/722399 - Select Prvisep as the Wallaby Goal https://review.opendev.org/755590 - Add danms liaison preferences https://review.opendev.org/758822 ## General Changes - Record Wallaby Cycle PTL and TC election results https://review.opendev.org/757971 # Other Reminders - PTG Brainstorming: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-wallaby-ptg - PTG Registration: https://october2020ptg.eventbrite.com Thanks for reading! Mohammed & Kendall -- Mohammed Naser VEXXHOST, Inc.