Hi, I'm working on a change to remove some parameters related to IPv6 in TripleO. This is to simplify/automate the process for operators, and reduce failures due to user error. See: https://review.opendev.org/723898 I'm not sure what to do about the 'ManilaIPv6' parameter in TripleO. It control's the *DEFAULT/network_plugin_ipv6_enabled* parameter as well as *${share_backend_name}/network_plugin_ipv6_enabled* for some backends. Dockstrings [2] and [3] in the puppet module for these backends says the same as the Manila doc[1]. A note in Manilla doc[1] reading: """ The ip version of the share network is defined by the flags of network_plugin_ipv4_enabled and network_plugin_ipv6_enabled in the manila.conf configuration since Pike. The network_plugin_ipv4_enabled default value is set to True. The network_plugin_ipv6_enabled default value is set to False. If network_plugin_ipv6_enabled option is True, the value of network_plugin_ipv4_enabled will be ignored, it means to support both IPv4 and IPv6 share network. """ Is there a downside in simply enabling IPv6 by default in Manila? Why is this option present at all? [1] https://docs.openstack.org/manila/latest/admin/shared-file-systems-network-plugins.html [2] https://opendev.org/openstack/puppet-manila/src/branch/master/manifests/backend/dellemc_vnx.pp#L48-L52 [3] https://opendev.org/openstack/puppet-manila/src/branch/master/manifests/backend/dellemc_unity.pp#L49-L53 -- Harald Jensås