[ops][cinder] deprecation notice: os-reset_status notifications

Brian Rosmaita rosmaita.fossdev at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 13:15:15 UTC 2020

tl;dr: the notifications themselves aren't being deprecated, there's a 
change in where they're being sent

While working on https://launchpad.net/bugs/1863806, Walt discovered 
that notifications associated with the Block Storage API os-reset_status 
calls were being sent to nonstandard publisher_ids, namely:

* 'volumeStatusUpdate' for volume status resets
* 'volumeStatusUpdate' for snapshot status resets
* 'backupStatusUpdate' for backup status resets

Walt has a patch up to direct these notifications to the same 
publisher_id as other Cinder resource actions:

* 'volume' for volume status resets
* 'snapshot' for snapshot status resets
* 'backup' for backup status resets

Walt's patch continues to send the notifications to the nonstandard 
publisher_ids, but this behavior is DEPRECATED.  In Ussuri, 
notifications will be sent to *both* publisher_ids.  We propose to 
remove sending notifications to the nonstandard publisher_ids during the 
Victoria development cycle.

This deprecation will be announced in the cinder release notes, but we 
wanted to give operators advance notice.  No one currently working on 
cinder knows why these notifications were being sent to nonstandard 
publisher_ids, which makes it difficult to assess what, if any, impact 
this change will have on operators.

If you have concerns about either the nonstandard publisher_ids being 
deprecated and removed, or about these notifications being sent to the 
standard publisher_ids, please express them on the following review 
before Tuesday 24 March:


Thank you.

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