[MicroStack] Beta updates and strict (devmode) confinement on edge

Pete Vander Giessen pete.vandergiessen at canonical.com
Thu Mar 5 11:19:53 UTC 2020

Hi all,

It has been a little while since I’ve posted any MicroStack news.
MicroStack is a base set of OpenStack services, bundled into a snap. It’s
intended for OpenStack workload development (as opposed to development of
OpenStack itself), and also contains some experimental features geared
toward edge clouds.

We’ve just released a new MicroStack beta, with preview support for
clustering (e.g., running a control plane node along with several compute
nodes). You can install it with:

    sudo snap install --classic --beta microstack

There are some known issues with refreshes from the current beta version of
the snap to the new version. You may need to reinstall MicroStack if you’re
running the current beta.

To address some issues running MicroStack on non LTS Ubuntu distros, as
well as lay the groundwork for a smoother refresh/upgrade process going
forward, we’re working on making MicroStack into a strictly confined snap!
If you’re feeling brave, you can try the (almost) strictly confined snap in
developer mode with the following invocation:

    sudo snap install --devmode --edge microstack

Work to put together a completely confined version of the snap, with no
need for the devmode flag, is ongoing.

You can find more information about MicroStack at https://microstack.run,
and talk to the devs either on this mailing list, or on IRC: freenode
#openstack-snaps .
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