[neutron][networking-midonet] Maintainers needed

Sebastian Saemann Sebastian.Saemann at netways.de
Wed Jul 29 13:24:15 UTC 2020

Hi Slawek,

we at NETWAYS are running most of our neutron networking on top of midonet and wouldn't be too happy if it gets deprecated and removed. So we would like to take over the maintainer role for this part.

Please let me know how to proceed and how we can be onboarded easily.

Best regards,


Sebastian Saemann
Head of Managed Services

NETWAYS Managed Services GmbH | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 | D-90429 Nuernberg
Tel: +49 911 92885-0 | Fax: +49 911 92885-77
CEO: Julian Hein, Bernd Erk | AG Nuernberg HRB25207
https://netways.de | sebastian.saemann at netways.de

** NETWAYS Web Services - https://nws.netways.de **

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