"encoding error when doing console log show" in Rocky

Albert Braden Albert.Braden at synopsys.com
Thu Jan 30 21:18:35 UTC 2020

Sorry if I am slow. This happens when I go to the controller, run my source file and then type: os console log show <UUID>

How can I install a new client to use on the controller command line? Do I need to replace the files mentioned below, or is there a better way?

-----Original Message-----
From: Radosław Piliszek <radoslaw.piliszek at gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 12:09 PM
To: Albert Braden <albertb at synopsys.com>
Cc: OpenStack Discuss ML <openstack-discuss at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: "encoding error when doing console log show" in Rocky

The bug you mention affects clients.
Hence you just need to patch your clients.
I guess just using a newer version of client would work fine.


czw., 30 sty 2020 o 20:56 Albert Braden <Albert.Braden at synopsys.com> napisał(a):
> We’re running openstack-ansible Rocky and seeing the “encoding error when doing console log show.” I see here that there is a patch:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bugs.launchpad.net_python-2Dopenstackclient_-2Bbug_1747862&d=DwIFaQ&c=DPL6_X_6JkXFx7AXWqB0tg&r=XrJBXYlVPpvOXkMqGPz6KucRW_ils95ZMrEmlTflPm8&m=-HCLwwRjUJ1GrihF5PjSNOYqDFH9Y7Qg0Bckxae56UY&s=vpftbl1w23aba5hyvrLPC-bG3IemMkFqbNBDTxrtHFM&e= 
> How can I apply this patch to our Rocky install? Do I need to just copy the file over the existing /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/compute/v2/console.py on controllers and hypervisors? Or is there a better way?

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