[all][neutron][neutron-fwaas] FINAL CALL Maintainers needed

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Mon Jan 20 21:25:05 UTC 2020

On 2020-01-20 14:54:02 -0600 (-0600), Eric K. Miller wrote:
> I'm not a developer, rather an operator.  I just thought I'd ask
> if the OpenStack community had thought about creating a fund for
> developers that may want to contribute, but can only do it for a
> fee.  Essentially a donation bucket.  I don't know if the
> OpenStack Foundation does this or not already.  There may be
> adequate need for fwaas, for example, but not enough volunteer
> resources to do it.  However there may be money in multiple
> operators' budgets that can be used to donate to the support of a
> project.

Our community has mostly relied on commercial distribution vendors
and service providers to fill that role in the past. If enough of
their customers say it's a feature they're relying on, then
employing developers who can help keep it maintained is their raison
d'ĂȘtre. This is how pretty much all free/libre open source community
software projects work.
Jeremy Stanley
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