Galera config values

Eugen Block eblock at
Fri Jan 17 22:34:58 UTC 2020


I'm pretty sure you'll have to figure it out yourself. I always found  
the deployment guides quite good, I got my cloud running without major  
issues. But when it comes to HA configuration the guide lacks many  
information. I had to fiure out many details on my own, though haproxy  
is currently not in use here.

> So it looks like the value of "timeout  client" in haproxy.cfg needs  
> to match or exceed the value of "wait_timeout" in mysql.

Although I'm not entirely sure I tend to agree with you. Dealing with  
a Ceph RGW deployment I encountered a similar issue and had to  
increase some timeout values to get it working.
I'm convinced that many people would appreciate if you created a doc  
for haproxy.


Zitat von Albert Braden <Albert.Braden at>:

> I'm experimenting with Galera in my Rocky openstack-ansible dev  
> cluster, and I'm finding that the default haproxy config values  
> don't seem to work. Finding the correct values is a lot of work. For  
> example, I spent this morning experimenting with different values  
> for "timeout  client" in /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. The default is  
> 1m, and with the default set I see this error in  
> /var/log/nova/nova-scheduler.log on the controllers:
> 2020-01-17 13:54:26.059 443358 ERROR oslo_db.sqlalchemy.engines  
> DBConnectionError: (pymysql.err.OperationalError) (2013, 'Lost  
> connection to MySQL server during query') [SQL: u'SELECT 1']  
> (Background on this error at:
> There are several timeout values in /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. These  
> are the values we started with:
> stats timeout 30s
> timeout  http-request 10s
> timeout  queue 1m
> timeout  connect 10s
> timeout  client 1m
> timeout  server 1m
> timeout  check 10s
> At first I changed them all to 30m. This stopped the "Lost  
> connection" error in nova-scheduler.log. Then, one at a time, I  
> changed them back to the default. When I got to "timeout  client" I  
> found that setting it back to 1m caused the errors to start again. I  
> changed it back and forth and found that 4 minutes causes errors,  
> and 6m stops them, so I left it at 6m.
> These are my active variables:
> root at us01odc-dev2-ctrl1:/etc/mysql# mysql -e 'show variables;'|grep timeout
> connect_timeout 20
> deadlock_timeout_long   50000000
> deadlock_timeout_short  10000
> delayed_insert_timeout  300
> idle_readonly_transaction_timeout       0
> idle_transaction_timeout        0
> idle_write_transaction_timeout  0
> innodb_flush_log_at_timeout     1
> innodb_lock_wait_timeout        50
> innodb_rollback_on_timeout      OFF
> interactive_timeout     28800
> lock_wait_timeout       86400
> net_read_timeout        30
> net_write_timeout       60
> rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout    10000
> rpl_semi_sync_slave_kill_conn_timeout   5
> slave_net_timeout       60
> thread_pool_idle_timeout        60
> wait_timeout    3600
> So it looks like the value of "timeout  client" in haproxy.cfg needs  
> to match or exceed the value of "wait_timeout" in mysql. Also in  
> nova.conf I see "#connection_recycle_time = 3600" - I need to  
> experiment to see how that value interacts with the timeouts in the  
> other config files.
> Is this the best way to find the correct config values? It seems  
> like there should be a document that talks about these timeouts and  
> how to set them (or maybe more generally how the different timeout  
> settings in the various config files interact). Does that document  
> exist? If not, maybe I could write one, since I have to figure out  
> the correct values anyway.

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