[cyborg] enable launchpad or storyboard for Cyborg

Radosław Piliszek radoslaw.piliszek at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 11:42:59 UTC 2020

Two cents from me: I believe storyboard is the way forward.


wt., 14 sty 2020 o 12:39 Brin Zhang(张百林) <zhangbailin at inspur.com> napisał(a):
> Hi Sundar and all:
> I think we should enable launchpad for the Cyborg project to record its reported bugs, submitted blueprints, etc., so that we can keep track of project updates and changes.
> Now I found there are some specifications in the cyborg-specs, and there has not been management by the Launchpad (https://launchpad.net/cyborg) or storyboard (https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/cyborg).
> Personally recommend using Launchpad, it looks very intuitive.
> brinzhang

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