[all][tc][uc] Uniting the TC and the UC

Ghanshyam Mann gmann at ghanshyammann.com
Wed Feb 26 02:29:59 UTC 2020

 ---- On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 19:39:36 -0600 Zane Bitter <zbitter at redhat.com> wrote ----
 > On 25/02/20 5:23 am, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 > > 1- No bylaws change
 > > As bylaws changes take a lot of time and energy, the simplest approach 
 > > would be to merge the TC and UC without changing the bylaws at all. The 
 > > single body (called TC) would incorporate the AUC criteria by adding all 
 > > AUC members as extra-ATC. It would tackle all aspects of our community. 
 > > To respect the letter of the bylaws, the TC would formally designate 5 
 > > of its members to be the 'UC' and those would select a 'UC chair'. But 
 > > all tasks would be handled together.
 > I think there's an even simpler approach. Any member of the foundation 
 > can nominate themselves as a UC member. In the past we've just kept 
 > extending the deadline until someone steps up. So the *simplest* thing 
 > to do is:
 > * Run the election process as usual. If any users want to step up they 
 > are welcome to, and on past performance very likely to be acclaimed 
 > without an election.
 > * If the deadline passes, the TC commits to finding enough warm bodies 
 > who are foundation members to fill any remaining seats, including from 
 > among its own members if necessary.

TC or BoDs ? If TC then we still need Bylaw change to remove the number
of UC and mention, TC owns to make UC team even with one or more members.
Because the number of 5 UC in Bylaw is something that has to be fixed.

But again the main question is how TC will find the members as nobody even from TC
are not running for UC.


 > * The additional volunteers are acclaimed, and all members of the UC 
 > elect a chair.
 > * We accept that to the extent that the UC has duties to perform and 
 > ambassadors to help, this will largely remain un-done.
 > This eliminates the issue of actual users needing to submit themselves 
 > to an election of all ATCs + AUCs in order to get a seat (which tbh 
 > seems questionable under the bylaws, since not all ATCs are AUCs).
 > - ZB

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