[tripleo] rework of triple squads and the tripleo mtg.
John Fulton
johfulto at redhat.com
Tue Feb 4 16:39:07 UTC 2020
On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 11:13 AM Wesley Hayutin <whayutin at redhat.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> As mentioned at the previous tripleo meeting [1], we're going to revisit the current tripleo squads and the expectations for those squads at the tripleo meeting.
> Currently we have the following squads..
> 1. upgrades
> 2. edge
> 3. integration
> 4. validations
> 5. networking
> 6. transformation
> 7. ci
> A reasonable update could include the following..
> 1. validations
> 2. transformation
> 3. mistral-to-ansible
> 4. CI
> 5. Ceph / Integration?? maybe just Ceph?
I'm fine with "Ceph". The original intent of going from "Ceph
Integration" to the more generic "Integration" was that it could
include anyone using external-deploy-steps to deploy non-openstack
projects with TripleO (k8s, skydive, etc). Though those things
happened, we didn't really get anyone else to join the squad or update
our etherpad so I'm fine with renaming it to Ceph. We're still active
but our etherpad was getting old. I updated it just now.
Gulio? Francesco? Alan?
> 6. others??
> The squads should reflect major current efforts by the TripleO team IMHO.
> For the meetings, I would propose we use this time and space to give context to current reviews in progress and solicit feedback. It's also a good time and space to discuss any upstream blockers for those reviews.
> Let's give this one week for comments etc.. Next week we'll update the etherpad list and squads. The etherpad list will be a decent way to communicate which reviews need attention.
> Thanks all!!!
> [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2020/tripleo.2020-01-07-14.00.log.html
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