Openstack related quieries

Gokul Kalal gokul.kalal at
Mon Dec 14 05:59:23 UTC 2020

Hi All, here are the few questionnaires for which I am looking for answers.
It would be of great help if anybody provides their suggestions on the
below questions.

1. Is RT enabled KVM available for Openstack? It would be helpful if anyone
provides a link for the same?
2. Is Openstack using devstack preferable in production or it is meant only
for the dev setup?
3. For RT KVM, Is hyper-threading preferred?
4. What are the minimum system requirements for openstack setup?
(Currently, I am equipped with Quad-Core i7-8559U with 16 GB RAM, will this
work for Openstack setup? My requirements are 3 VMs, out of which 2 VM will
be having dedicated 3 CPU cores allocated(hyperthreading enabled) and host
ubuntu and another VM will be running on the remaining 2 cores - isolcpu
used to isolate cores).

Thanks & Regards,
Gokul G Kalal
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