[manila] Graduation of share migration APIs

Carlos Silva ces.eduardo98 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 18:27:41 UTC 2020

Hello, fellow Zorillas and stackers!

During the Wallaby PTG, the Manila team discussed the need to remove the
experimental flags from the share migration feature APIs.
Then, we have realized that there aren't many third party drivers that have
implemented "driver-assisted/optimized share migration", so we wanted to
get some input from vendors community members on this.

Do you want/have plans to implement the driver optimized migration?
It'd also be helpful to know if you have tested this feature (even using
host assisted migration) or intend to test host assisted migration and can
give us some feedback/thoughts on this?
In order to graduate the share migration APIs, we must make sure that they
are stable. We haven't had bugs opened against it but gathering feedback
 from the wider community would be helpful to us.


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