nova novnc timeout

Ankele zhang ankelezhang at
Tue Dec 1 06:53:56 UTC 2020

Thank you very much! Melanie
I should read the Nova installation documentation carefully.
melanie witt <melwittt at> 于2020年11月20日周五 上午5:25写道:

> On 11/19/20 01:35, Ankele zhang wrote:
> > Hello~
> >      I have a OpenStack Rocky platform. My nova.cfg has configured
> > "[consoleauth] token_ttl=360000 [workarounds] enable_consoleauth=true",
> > I get the console url and access my VM console in web. the console url
> > invalid after two or one minutes not 360000s.
> >      How can I resolve this?
> >      Look forward to hearing from you.
> Hi Ankele,
> I'm sure you have already read this but for reference, this is the blurb
> in the release notes around the console proxy changes [1]. Note that the
> [workarounds]enable_consoleauth option has been removed in the Train
> release, so to avoid interruptions in consoles during an upgrade to
> Train, you must ensure your deployment has fully migrated to the new
> per-cell console proxy model in Rocky or Stein.
> In Rocky, console token auths are stored in the cell database(s) (new
> way) and if [workarounds]enable_consoleauth=true on the nova-api nodes,
> they are additionally stored in the nova-consoleauth service (old way).
> Then, on the console proxy side, if [workarounds]enable_consoleauth=true
> on the nova-novncproxy nodes, the proxy will first try to validate the
> token in the nova-consoleauth service (old way) and if that's not
> successful, it will fall back to contacting the cell database to
> validate the token (new way). In order for it to succeed at validating
> the token in the cell database, the nova-novncproxy needs to be deployed
> per cell and have access to the cell database [database]connection.
> If you need to use nova-consoleauth to transition to the
> database-backend model, you must set
> [workarounds]enable_consoleauth=true on both the nova-novncproxy nodes
> (for token validation) and the nova-api nodes (for token auth storage in
> the old way). The [consoleauth]token_ttl option needs to be set to the
> value you desire on both the nova-consoleauth nodes (old way) and
> nova-compute nodes (new way).
> So, I suspect the issue is you need to set the aforementioned config
> options on nodes where you don't yet have them set.
> To transition to the new way without console interruption, you will need
> to (1) deploy nova-novncproxy services to each of your cells and make
> sure they have [database]connection set to the corresponding cell
> database, (2) wait until all token auths generated before Rocky are
> expired, (3) set [workarounds]enable_consoleauth=false on
> nova-novncproxy and nova-api nodes, (4) remove the nova-consoleauth
> service from your deployment.
> Hope this helps,
> -melanie
> [1]
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