Setuptools 50 and Devstack Failures [was Re: Setuptools 48 and Devstack Failures]

Dmitry Tantsur dtantsur at
Mon Aug 31 09:42:03 UTC 2020

On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 4:32 AM Ian Wienand <iwienand at> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 03, 2020 at 12:13:04PM -0700, Clark Boylan wrote:
> > Setuptools has made a new version 48 release. This appears to be
> > causing problems for devstack because `pip install -e $PACKAGE_PATH`
> > installs commands to /usr/bin and not /usr/local/bin on Ubuntu as it
> > did in the past. `pip install $PACKAGE_PATH` continues to install to
> > /usr/local/bin as expected. Devstack is failing because
> > keystone-manage cannot currently be found at the specific
> > /usr/local/bin/ path.
> This is now back with setuptools 50.0.0 [1], see the original issue
> [2].
> The problems are limited to instances where jobs are installing with
> pip as root into the system environment on platforms that override the
> default install path (debuntu).  The confluence of this set of
> requirements of neatly describes most devstack testing :/
> There's two visible problems; both stem from the same issue.  Packaged
> Debuntu python installs things into dist-packages; leaving
> site-packages for a non-packaged interpreter, should you wish to
> install such a thing.  It patches distutils to provide this behaviour.
> The other thing it does is makes pip installs use /usr/local/bin,
> rather that /usr/bin.
> Thus it is unfortunately not just s,/usr/local/bin,/usr/bin,g because
> the new setuptools will install all the libraries into site-packages;
> which the packaged python intpreter doesn't know to look for.
> Using SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=stdlib with such installs is one
> option; it feels like it just makes for more confusing bifurcation.
> We can't really set this in as a global, because we wouldn't
> want this to apply to subshells that are installing in virtualenv's,
> for example.  It might be the best option.
> A more radical thought; perhaps we could install a non-packaged python
> interpreter for devstack runs.  Isolation from packaging cuts both
> ways; while we might work around packaging issues in CI, we're also
> working around packaging issues that then just hit you when you're in
> production.  The eternal question of "what are we testing".
> I don't think there's an easy answer.  Which is probably why we've
> ended up here with everything broken ...

Is it the right time to discuss switching to virtual environments? We've
had quite a positive experience with bifrost since we stopped trying global
installations at all.


> -i
> [1]
> [2]
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