[TC] [PTG] Victoria vPTG Summary of Conversations and Action Items

Belmiro Moreira moreira.belmiro.email.lists at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 08:55:05 UTC 2020

Hi everyone,
the problem described in the "OpenStack User-facing APIs" is something that
we face daily in our deployment. Different CLIs for different operations.

I'm really interested in driving this action item.


On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 9:38 PM Kendall Nelson <kennelson11 at gmail.com>

> Hello Everyone!
> I hope you all had a productive and enjoyable PTG! While it’s still
> reasonably fresh, I wanted to take a moment to summarize discussions and
> actions that came out of TC discussions.
> If there is a particular action item you are interested in taking, please
> reply on this thread!
> For the long version, check out the etherpad from the PTG[1].
> Tuesday
> ======
> Ussuri Retrospective
> ----------------------------
> As usual we accomplished a lot. Some of the things we accomplished were
> around enumerating operating systems per release (again), removing python2
> support, and adding the ideas repository. Towards the end of the release,
> we had a lot of discussions around what to do with leaderless projects, the
> role of PTLs, and what to do with projects that were missing PTL candidates
> for the next release. We discussed office hours, their history and reason
> for existence, and clarified how we can strengthen communication amongst
> ourselves, the projects, and the larger community.
> TC Onboarding
> --------------------
> It was brought up that those elected most recently (and even new members
> the election before) felt like there wasn’t enough onboarding into the TC.
> Through discussion about what we can do to better support returning members
> is to better document the daily, weekly and monthly tasks TC members are
> supposed to be doing. Kendall Nelson proposed a patch to start adding more
> detail to a guide for TC members already[2]. It was also proposed that we
> have a sort of mentorship or shadow program for people interested in
> joining the TC or new TC members by more experienced TC members. The
> discussion about the shadow/mentorship program is to be continued.
> TC/UC Merge
> ------------------
> Thierry gave an update on the merge of the committees. The simplified
> version is that the current proposal is that UC members are picked from TC
> members, the UC operates within the TC, and that we are already setup for
> this given the number of TC members that have AUC status. None of this
> requires a by-laws change. One next step that has already begun is the
> merging of the openstack-users ML into openstack-discuss ML. Other next
> steps are to decide when to do the actual transition (disbanding the
> separate UC, probably at the next election?) and when to setup AUC’s to be
> defined as extra-ATC’s to be included in the electorate for elections. For
> more detail, check out the openstack-discuss ML thread[3].
> Wednesday
> =========
> Help Wanted List
> -----------------------
> We settled on a format for the job postings and have several on the list.
> We talked about how often we want to look through, update or add to it. The
> proposal is to do this yearly. We need to continue pushing on the board to
> dedicate contributors at their companies to work on these items, and get
> them to understand that it's an investment that will take longer than a
> year in a lot of cases; interns are great, but not enough.
> TC Position on Foundation Member Community Contributions
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The discussion started with a state of things today - the expectations of
> platinum members, the benefits the members get being on the board and why
> they should donate contributor resources for these benefits, etc. A variety
> of proposals were made: either enforce or remove the minimum contribution
> level, give gold members the chance to have increased visibility (perhaps
> giving them some of the platinum member advantages) if they supplement
> their monetary contributions with contributor contributions, etc. The
> #ACTION that was decided was for Mohammed to take these ideas to the board
> and see what they think.
> OpenStack User-facing APIs
> --------------------------------------
> Users are confused about the state of the user facing API’s; they’ve been
> told to use the OpenStackClient(OSC) but upon use, they discover that there
> are features missing that exist in the python-*clients. Partial
> implementation in the OSC is worse than if the service only used their
> specific CLI. Members of the OpenStackSDK joined discussions and explained
> that many of the barriers that projects used to have behind implementing
> certain commands have been resolved. The proposal is to create a pop up
> team and that they start with fully migrating Nova, documenting the process
> and collecting any other unresolved blocking issues with the hope that one
> day we can set the migration of the remaining projects as a community goal.
> Supplementally, a new idea was proposed-  enforcing new functionality to
> services is only added to the SDK (and optionally the OSC) and not the
> project’s specific CLI to stop increasing the disparity between the two.
> The #ACTION here is to start the pop up team, if you are interested, please
> reply! Additionally, if you disagree with this kind of enforcement, please
> contact the TC as soon as possible and explain your concerns.
> PTL Role in OpenStack today & Leaderless Projects
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> This was a veeeeeeeerrrry long conversation that went in circles a few
> times. The very short version is that we, the TC, are willing to let
> project teams decide for themselves if they want to have a more
> deconstructed kind of PTL role by breaking it into someone responsible for
> releases and someone responsible for security issues. This new format also
> comes with setting the expectation that for things like project updates and
> signing up for PTG time, if someone on the team doesn’t actively take that
> on, the default assumption is that the project won’t participate. The
> #ACTION we need someone to take on is to write a resolution about how this
> will work and how it can be done. Ideally, this would be done before the
> next technical election, so that teams can choose it at that point. If you
> are interested in taking on the writing of this resolution, please speak up!
> Cross Project Work
> -------------------------
> -Pop Up Teams-
> The two teams we have right now are Encryption and Secure Consistent
> Policy Groups. Both are making slow progress and will continue.
> -Reducing Community Goals Per Cycle-
> Historically we have had two goals per cycle, but for smaller teams this
> can be a HUGE lift. The #ACTION is to clearly outline the documentation for
> the goal proposal and selection process to clarify that selecting only one
> goal is fine. No one has claimed this action item yet.
> -Victoria Goal Finalization-
> Currently, we have three proposals and one accepted goal. If we are going
> to select a second goal, it needs to be done ASAP as Victoria development
> has already begun. All TC members should review the last proposal
> requesting selection[4].
> -Wallaby Cycle Goal Discussion Kick Off-
> Firstly, there is a #ACTION that one or two TC members are needed to guide
> the W goal selection. If you are interested, please reply to this thread!
> There were a few proposed goals for VIctoria that didn’t make it that could
> be the starting point for W discussions, in particular, the rootwrap goal
> which would be good for operators. The OpenStackCLI might be another goal
> to propose for Wallaby.
> Detecting Unmaintained Projects Early
> ---------------------------------------------------
> The TC liaisons program had been created a few releases ago, but the
> initial load on TC members was large. We discussed bringing this program
> back and making the project health checks happen twice a release, either
> the start or end of the release and once in the middle. TC liaisons will
> look at  previously proposed releases,  release activity of the team, the
> state of tempest plugins, if regular meetings are happening, if there are
> patches in progress and how busy the project’s IRC channel is to make a
> determination. Since more than one liaison will be assigned to each
> project, those liaisons can divvy up the work how they see fit. The other
> aspect that still needs to be decided is where the health checks will be
> recorded- in a wiki? In a meeting and meeting logs? That decision is still
> to be continued. The current #ACTION currently unassigned is that we need
> to assign liaisons for the Victoria cycle and decide when to do the first
> health check.
> Friday
> =====
> Reducing Systems and Friction to Drive Change
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This was another conversation that went in circles a bit before realizing
> that we should make a list of the more specific problems we want to address
> and then brainstorm solutions for them. The list we created (including
> things already being worked) are as follows:
>    -
>    TC separate from UC (solution in progress)
>    -
>    Stable releases being approved by a separate team (solution in
>    progress)
>    -
>    Making repository creation faster (especially for established project
>    teams)
>    -
>    Create a process blueprint for project team mergers
>    -
>    Requirements Team being one person
>    -
>    Stable Team
>    -
>    Consolidate the agent experience
>    -
>    Figure out how to improve project <--> openstack client/sdk
>    interaction.
> If you feel compelled to pick one of these things up and start proposing
> solutions or add to the list, please do!
> Monitoring in OpenStack (Ceilometer + Telemetry + Gnocchi State)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This conversation is also ongoing, but essentially we talked about the
> state of things right now- largely they are not well maintained and there
> is added complexity with Ceilometers being partially dependent on Gnocchi.
> There are a couple of ideas to look into like using oslo.metrics for the
> interface between all the tools or using Ceilometer without Gnocchi if we
> can clean up those dependencies. No specific action items here, just please
> share your thoughts if you have them.
> Ideas Repo Next Steps
> -------------------------------
> Out of the Ussuri retrospective, it was brought up that we probably needed
> to talk a little more about what we wanted for this repo. Essentially we
> just want it to be a place to collect ideas into without worrying about the
> how. It should be a place to document ideas we have had (old and new) and
> keep all the discussion in one place as opposed to historic email threads,
> meetings logs, other IRC logs, etc. We decided it would be good to
> periodically go through this repo, likely as a forum session at a summit to
> see if there is any updating that could happen or promotion of ideas to
> community goals, etc.
> ‘tc:approved-release’ Tag
> ---------------------------------
> This topic was proposed by the Manila team from a discussion they had
> earlier in the week. We talked about the history of the tag and how usage
> of tags has evolved. At this point, the proposal is to remove the tag as
> anything in the releases repo is essentially tc-approved. Ghanshyam has
> volunteered to document this and do the removal. The board also needs to be
> notified of this and to look at projects.yaml in the governance repo as the
> source of truth for TC approved projects. The unassigned #ACTION item is to
> review remaining tags and see if there are others that need to be
> modified/removed/added to  drive common behavior across OpenSack
> components.
> Board Proposals
> ----------------------
> This was a pretty quick summary of all discussions we had that had any
> impact on the board and largely decided who would mention them.
> Session Feedback
> ------------------------
> This was also a pretty quick topic compared to many of the others, we
> talked about how things went across all our discussions (largely we called
> the PTG a success) logistically. We tried to make good use of the raising
> hands feature which mostly worked, but it lacks context and its possible
> that the conversation has moved on by the time it’s your turn (if you even
> remember what you want to say).
> OpenStack 2.0: k8s Native
> -----------------------------------
> This topic was brought up at the end of our time so we didn’t have time to
> discuss it really. Basically Mohammed wanted to start the conversation
> about adding k8s as a base service[5] and what we would do if a project
> proposed required k8s. Adding services that work with k8s could open a door
> to new innovation in OpenStack. Obviously this topic will need to be
> discussed further as we barely got started before we had to wrap things up.
> So.
> The tldr;
> Here are the #ACTION items we need owners for:
>    -
>    Start the User Facing API Pop Up Team
>    -
>    Write a resolution about how the deconstructed PTL roles will work
>    -
>    Update Goal Selection docs to explain that one or more goals is fine;
>    it doesn’t have to be more than one
>    -
>    Two volunteers to start the W goal selection process
>    -
>    Assign two TC liaisons per project
>    -
>     Review Tags to make sure they are still good for driving common
>    behavior across all openstack projects
> Here are the things EVERYONE needs to do:
>    -
>    Review last goal proposal so that we can decide to accept or reject it
>    for the V release[4]
>    -
>    Add systems that are barriers to progress in openstack to the Reducing
>    Systems and Friction list
>    -
>    Continue conversations you find important
> Thanks everyone for your hard work and great conversations :)
> Enjoy the attached (photoshopped) team photo :)
> -Kendall (diablo_rojo)
> [1] TC PTG Etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-victoria-ptg
> [2] TC Guide Patch: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/732983/
> [3] UC TC Merge Thread:
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-May/014736.html
> [4] Proposed V Goal: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/731213/
> [5] Base Service Description:
> https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/base-services.html
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