[all] [kolla] Kolla Builder - next generation

Sean Mooney smooney at redhat.com
Mon Apr 20 12:29:09 UTC 2020

On Sat, 2020-04-18 at 16:09 +0200, Radosław Piliszek wrote:
> Hello fellow OpenStackers and Kollars (or Koalas) in particular,
> today is the day when I finally sit down to write up my thoughts on
> Kolla, and I mean *Kolla*, the container image building project for
> OpenStack and friends, nothing more (nor less).
> ***
> Some background on Kolla to get everyone on the same page (or close enough):
> Kolla builds images for production use. Kolla is upstream for TripleO
> containers and Kolla-Ansible deployment.
> These are container images, think OCI and Docker in particular since
> Kolla actually relies on Dockerfile format to specify build recipes
> and Docker runs building (TripleO runs buildah on the same recipes).
> Kolla supports three distributions as bases: CentOS (TripleO does
> override this for RHEL as well), Debian and Ubuntu.
> In the interim periods Kolla supports two distribution releases to
> ease/smooth the transition process for operators (like currently
> CentOS 7 and 8 in Train, while Ussuri is 8 only).
> What is more, each distro has two flavours (or 'types' as they are
> called for now): binary and source.
> This 'type' applies only to OpenStack software. Binary means that
> Kolla uses downstream packages (rpm/deb) while source means to use pip
> and install from official tarballs (or repos if it is master) and PyPI
> for deps, utilising venv to keep it separate from distro stuff.
> Finally, there is particular target architecture: x86_64, aarch64 and ppc64le.
> All of above affect the support matrix which is based on 3 or 4
> dimensions (distro, flavour, arch and sometimes distro version). [1]
> Kolla offers a high level of customisability via various overrides
> levels. See docs for details [2]
> Kolla engine offers hierarchical approach to image building, under the
> assumption that more than one image is often deployed on the same
> machine so layer sharing is beneficial.
> Kolla helps collect sources for OpenStack projects to build desired
> versions of them.
> All recipes are templated using Jinja2 syntax.
> Images contain both run-time and, mostly in the case of 'source'
> flavour, build-time tools and libraries.
> *** That's it for the background. :-)
> So where is the problem you might ask? Oh, there are plenty.
> The general is that Kolla has lots of logic in templates.
> Thankfully, Kolla has macros for most stuff but still Jinja2
> limitations make it hard to document exceptions (no inline comments in
> arrays anyone?).
> We lose visibility into real dependency graphs and may be easily
> reinstalling same stuff, any optimisations are limited and would
> require parsing of both Jinja2 and Dockerfile syntax.
> In general the current approach is ugly and becomes unwieldy (e.g.
> getting warnings about empty continuation lines).
> There is layering hell: dependency on long &&ed commands which are
> templated out to avoid useless layers.
> Support matrix is great for an overview.
> There is a hidden layer to it though, different combinations may
> support different features.
> This is not documented so far and not so easy to follow from sources.
> This stems from the fact that different extra components have
> different availability in distros, but this is not easily apparent
> from sources.
> Also, there is no way to turn feature on/off. You might do an
> override, but then again, which to keep, which not to? Which is which?
> Oh!
> Finally, the images tend to be heavy due to inclusion of build-time deps.
> *** That's it for issues (hopefully!)
> My idea is to reuse Kolla engine where it shines: sources collection,
> system of plugins, hierarchical building; but replace the part that
> smells - Jinja2 templating.
i acutlly tought that the use of jinja2 was one of the nicer parts of
how we build images. its been a long time since i was activly looking at kolla
but the fact that jinja2 was used both in the image building and in the config
generation in kolla-ansible was nice as i did not have to learn a new syntax or
mechanisium for each and could transfer knoladge between them.
> Giving up on Jinja2 might encompass giving up on Dockerfile syntax,
> but that is optional and depends on what makes it more amenable to
> avoid further pitfalls.
> With giving up on Jinja2, the idea is to generate building recipes
> fully programmatically from Python.
this woudl break our templeate override feature which is how ooo customises
the images for rhel.

> It would be possible to introduce "Features" - sets of packages to
> install based on the (distro, arch) tuple.
> This would result in more flexibility - turning them on/off (some
> could be optional, some not).
> There could be more than one optimization strategy regarding when
> packages get installed: you want only standalone blah-blah? Then Kolla
> won't be installing XYZ and ABC just because ugma-ugma and
> tickle-tickle require them and you "could save some space" (TM).
> In the same vein, features could declare which components are
> build-time and which are run-time and this would make it
> straightforward to separate the sides.
> The above effort could well be coordinated with different projects to
> reuse bindep contents. So far Kolla does not use bindep because it
> often installs too much and not enough at the same time.
> Do note it would still be bindep-less for external services.
there was a effort in the past to drop using docker for the building of the images
to achive a similar goal. specifically the creation of a DSL or a alternitve builder
that does nto use layers https://review.opendev.org/#/c/503882/
using either approch woudl allow us to keep jinja/tempelate overrides while
perhspas still reducing the size of iamges and adressin the build time vs runtime deps

> There would still need to exist a general mechanism for providing
> custom command executions required by some images.
> For contributors and cores this new approach would bring more sanity
> as to the scope of proposed changes.
> Also, it would be possible to get quick insight into feature support
> and autogenerate docs for that as well.
> Similarly, current concept of unbuildable images would no longer be
> required because unbuildability would be dictated by lack of support
> for a required feature.
> ***
> Looking forward to your opinions/thoughts.
> ***
> [1] https://docs.openstack.org/kolla/train/support_matrix.html
> [2] https://docs.openstack.org/kolla/train/admin/image-building.html
> -yoctozepto

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