[ironic] FFE: Add idrac HW type Redfish virtual media boot interface (Ruby Loo)

Julia Kreger juliaashleykreger at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 19:46:51 UTC 2019

Dmitry, I'm afraid the question was more for the person asking for the
feature. Elaborating in-line.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 7:26 AM Dmitry Tantsur <dtantsur at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 2:38 PM Julia Kreger <juliaashleykreger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I’m afraid 13.0.0 has been released which is what we targeted to release for Train.
>> Is there any reason Ironic can’t release 13.1.0 in say a month? I ask since there should be no hard requirement with Ironic in starting with the stable/train branch.
> The reason is the stable policy. We've committed to following it, and it doesn't allow feature backports.

I'm talking about releasing 13.1.0 off of master branch in say a
month. There is nothing preventing it. Nothing forbidding it. There is
no restricting preventing us from creating additional branches should
we feel the need. And there is no public requirement for only
consuming ironic from only stable/* branches or even stable/train if
the need is specific enough. The key is _a_ released version out
>> An important detail is Airship 2.0 slated for release. If we’re trying to co-ordinate everything across communities, that seems like it is going to be very problematic.
> It would be ideal if such requirements could be determined a bit in advance, not later than M3.

I would actually state Milestone 1 or Milestone 2, just from a M3
starts to become hectic.

> Dmitry
>> -Julia
>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 5:15 PM prakash RAMCHANDRAN <pramchan at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Julia & Richard,
>>> We in airship 2.0  need vIrtual media boot up for our work in remoteboot direct using Ironic redfish interface. This is to use both for Ehemeral BareMetalHost as well for target cluter BareMetal Nodes redfish based Virtual Media booting.
>>> We in Airship community strongly endorse the exception to include this feature in Train.
>>> I am copying few of our TC & WC members  who too can confirm my ask on behalf of Airship 2.0 team.
>>> Thanks
>>> Prakash Ramchandran
>>> (pramchan)
>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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