Outreachy Application Deadline - Call for mentors and projects

Matt Riedemann mriedemos at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 15:42:13 UTC 2019

On 9/18/2019 10:09 AM, Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Outreachy <https://www.outreachy.org/> helps people from 
> underrepresented groups get involved in free and open source software by 
> matching interns with established mentors in the upstream communities.
> OpenStack is a participating organization in the Outreachy Dec 2019 to 
> Mar 2020 round. If you're interested to be a mentor, please register as 
> a mentor in the Outreachy website and publish your project ideas.
> According to this round's schedule 
> <https://www.outreachy.org/docs/applicant/#outreachy-schedule>, the 
> initial application is due next week:
>   * *Sept. 24, 2019 at 4pm UTC Initial application deadline
>     *
>   * *Nov. 5, 2019 at 4pm UTC Final application deadline*
> It is important to get projects submitted *as soon as possible* so that 
> applicants can sign up before the *Sept. 24 deadline*.
> Once signed up, they will have between *Oct. 1, 2019 to Nov. 5, 2019 to 
> contribute to the projects*.
> If you have any questions about becoming a mentor or want to sponsor an 
> intern, please contact me (samueldmq at gmail.com 
> <mailto:samueldmq at gmail.com>) or Mahati Chamarthy 
> (mahati.chamarthy at gmail.com <mailto:mahati.chamarthy at gmail.com>).
> Thank you,
> Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz

For anyone that was paying attention to the unified CLI gaps closure 
thread before I had proposed a mentoring project for some US 
universities, the abstract is here [1]. The project was not accepted for 
whatever reason (it's not clear if there was not enough interest or not 
enough people with the proper skills), but if anyone is interested in 
picking that up for Outreachy I think it would still be useful for the 
community (devs, users and operators) and a mentee working on it to get 
experience hacking on an open source project.

That said I don't think I'll have the time to dedicate to that now but 
could help as a backup/side mentor if someone else is interested in 
taking the primary mentoring duty. As for the number of mentees listed 
on that abstract that could be 1 or 2, the 2-5 range was just something 
that specific program was suggesting.

Otherwise even if you have interns or new developers at your company and 
you'd like to get their feet wet working upstream on OpenStack this is a 
good way to do that as well.





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