[placement] "now" worklist

Chris Dent cdent+os at anticdent.org
Mon Sep 9 09:44:39 UTC 2019

As we near the end of a cycle it can be a bit unclear what tasks are
relevant or a priority for the placement project.

I've made a worklist in storyboard


called "placement now". It gathers stories from the placement group
(placement, osc-placement, os-resource-classes, os-traits) that I've
tagged with 'pnow' to mean "these are the things we should be
concerned with in the near future".

This helps to take off the radar anything from the following groups:

* Features that will not be considered this cycle.
* Anything related to osc-placement (which has already seen its
   likely last release for this cycle)

This leaves placement (the service) bug fixes, and docs.

Not yet there is an item for "documenting the new nested provider
features", mostly because the story for that has not solidified.

Anything that is currently on that list we should finish before the
end of the cycle. I hope that having a focused list can help drive


Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶           https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent

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