[ops] Introducing Waldur - open-source platform for openstack operators

Andres Toomsalu andres at opennodecloud.com
Wed Sep 4 08:43:49 UTC 2019

I would like to introduce open-source Waldur platform - targeted for 
openstack cloud operators and implementing service delivery pipeline 
towards end customers. It uses modular approach and has the following 
core features:

* integrated marketplace and self-service for the end users (REST API 
and webapp)
* built-in accounting, integrations with backend billing systems and 
payment gateways
* built-in customer support/servicedesk functionality and integrations 
with backend servicedesk systems (Atlassian Servicedesk for example)
* built-in organisation membership and user management
* multi-cloud (ie multiple openstack API endpoints) support inside 
customer project containers

This diagram provides overview about available modules and their 
relations: https://waldur.com/assets/doc/waldur-diagram.pdf

Waldur openstack support is fairly mature - it has been successfully 
used in production deployments since 2015. Its web-based self-service 
for end users implements somewhat opiniated openstack tenant and 
resource management - based on our real-world experience and some best 
practices delivered from it. But also Horizon access provisioning and 
out-of-band tenant changes sync are supported.

More details about Waldur platform and its openstack support can be 
found here: https://waldur.com/#openstack

Source code is available from OpenNode github repositories:


Documentation is available here: http://docs.waldur.com

All the best,

Andres Toomsalu
andres at opennodeloud.com

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