Hello everyone, I think I have found a significant bug in the futurist concurrency library that is breaking for my application. If I launch a threadpool and submit n > 1 number of tasks. If now for any n of these tasks such a task calls Condition.wait(). Than when waiters.wait_for_any is called from the main thread it will block indefinitely instead of returning the n - 1 tasks that have completed. Furthermore setting the timeout parameter in wait_for_any is subsequently ignored. I have submitted this as a bug report on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/futurist/+bug/1848457 Any help on this is really appreciated as I think it is a significant issue. Kind regards, Corne Lukken (Dantali0n) PS: I also submitted this over on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58410610/calling-condition-wait-inside-thread-causes-retrieval-of-any-future-to-block-o