[all][tc] What happened in OpenStack Governance last month

Jean-Philippe Evrard jean-philippe at evrard.me
Wed Nov 20 09:25:53 UTC 2019

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all back from the summit to a normal life (nod to all the
people at conferences, like KubeCon or devops days)!

Here are a few things you might want to know about...

First, for Python2.7 and Python3:

We now removed references to Python 2.7 in the PTI (Project Testing
Interface) [1]. In Ussuri we no longer require projects to test for
python 2.7, so remove it from the list of requirements in the PTI.
You can find current PTI for python in [2].

For py2 to py3 migration timing, there is now a ML [4] and etherpad[6]
to discuss about specific schedule (now out in [6]), please join our

We need each teams to pay attention on their python dependency and
check if that schedule works. The release schedule will be update

We recently merged updates to the drop py2 goal too [9].

Then, for changes in projects, SIGs or adjacent communities:

- If you didn't know: Airship is now confirmed as official project
under OSF [3]. Congrats Airship team!

- In OpenStack projects, we now have new barbican-ui, and manila-
ganesha charms repositories. Microversion parse was adopted by the oslo
team [7], and the API site was un-retired for redirect reasons.

- Large scale SIG is under plan [8]. Please join, if you're interested
on it.

- PowerVM is now a SIG instead of a project. In the future, we might
want to have a Multi-Arch SIG.

- The Technical Writing SIG is born, replacing the openstack docs

- Designate was promoted as a 2019 "business opportunity" for
investment. We are now thinking for 2020.

Thank you all for reading until this line! ;)

[1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/686582
[2] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/pti/python.html
[6] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/drop-python2-support
[7]: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/689754/
[9]: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/694161/

Jean-Philippe & Rico

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