[glance] glance_store tests failed

Naohiro Sameshima(鮫島 直洋)(Group) naohiro.sameshima at global.ntt
Wed Nov 20 08:45:43 UTC 2019

Hi Abhishek and Brian,

Thank you for the reply.

I use Python3.7.4 with pyenv in macOS Mojave 10.14.6.

Curiously, when I run tests in docker container (image: Python3.7.4), all tests passed.

I think something is wrong with my environment, so I'll look into the cause of failure.


Naohiro Sameshima

> That's the correct way to run the tests. I'm not sure why you're 
> getting those failures -- I did a fresh checkout and all tests passed 
> using Python 3.7.1.

> I don't have anything useful to say other than start over with a clean 
> environment (which you've probably already done a few times). Maybe ask 
> in #openstack-glance. Perhaps you have an atypical environment?


> Hi Naohiro,

> There might be something wrong with your environment, I have run these tests on master branch in my environment and those are passing successfully.
> I have also submitted test patch [1] on gerrit, where it has passed the tests.

> [1] https://review.opendev.org/694903

> Thanks & Best Regards,

> Abhishek Kekane

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