[neutron][ci] Jobs cleaning

Slawek Kaplonski skaplons at redhat.com
Thu Nov 14 14:35:18 UTC 2019


As we discussed during the PTG, I'm now checking what multinode and singlenode
jobs we are exactly running in Neutron CI and what jobs can be potentially
removed maybe.
Here is what I found

| Singlenode job                | Multinode job                                 | Comments                                                  |
| neutron-tempest-dvr           | neutron-tempest-plugin-dvr-multinode-scenario | Singlenode job runs tempest tests,                        |
|					            | (non-voting)  						    	| multinode job runs tests from neutron-tempest-plugin repo |
|                               |                                               | multinode job isn't stable currently                      |
| tempest-integrated-networking | tempest-multinode-full-py3 (non-voting)       | Singlenode job runs tempest tests related to neutron/nova,|
|                               |                                               | Multinode job runs all tempest tests                      |
|                               |                                               | multinode job is stable enough to make it voting IMO      |
| grenade-py3                   | neutron-grenade-multinode                     | Both jobs runs the same tests and are voting already      |

I also found that we have few jobs which we ver similar but the only difference
is that one runs tempest tests and other runs tests from neutron tempest plugin.
Such jobs are:

neutron-tempest-plugin-scenario-openvswitch-iptables_hybrid and neutron-tempest-iptables_hybrid

neutron-tempest-plugin-scenario-linuxbridge and neutron-tempest-linuxbridge

Do we need all those jobs? Maybe we can simply stay only with
neutron-tempest-plugins jobs for those configurations?
Or maybe we should "merge" them and run tests from both tempest and
neutron-tempest-plugin in one job?

Slawek Kaplonski
Senior software engineer
Red Hat

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