[cyborg][nova][sdk]Cyborgclient integration
Eric Fried
openstack at fried.cc
Thu May 23 14:10:27 UTC 2019
Hi Ikuo. I'm glad you're interested in helping out with this effort.
I'm trying to understand where you intend to make your changes, assuming
you're coming at this purely from a cyborg perspective:
- If in Nova, this isn't necessary because there's no
python-cyborgclient integration there. Communication from Nova to Cyborg
is being added as part of blueprint nova-cyborg-interaction [0], but
it'll be done without python-cyborgclient from the start. The patch at
[1] sets up direct REST API communication through a KSA adapter. Once we
have base openstacksdk enablement in Nova [2] we can simply
s/get_ksa_adapter/get_sdk_adapter/ at [3]. And in the future as the sdk
starts supporting richer methods for cyborg, we can replace the direct
REST calls in that file (see [4] later in that series to get an idea of
what kinds of calls those will be).
- If in the cyborg CLI, I'm afraid I have very little context there.
There's a (nearly-official [5]) community push to make all CLIs
OSC-based. I'm not sure what state the cyborg CLI is in, but I would
have expected it will need brand new work to expose the v2 changes being
done for Train. From that perspective I would say: do that via OSC. But
that's not really related to bp/openstacksdk-in-nova.
- If in python-cyborgclient, again I lack background, but I don't think
there's a need to make changes here. The point of
bp/openstacksdk-in-nova (or openstacksdk-anywhere) is to get rid of
usages of client libraries like python-cyborgclient. Where is
python-cyborgclient being used today? If it's just in the CLI, and you
can make the above (conversion to OSC) happen, it may be possible to
retire python-cyborgclient entirely \o/
Now, if you're generally available to contribute to either
bp/nova-cyborg-interaction (by helping with the nova code) or
bp/openstack-sdk-in-nova (on non-cyborg-related aspects), I would be
delighted to get you ramped up. We could sure use the help. Please let
me know if you're interested.
[0] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/nova-cyborg-interaction
[1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/631242/
[2] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/643664/
[3] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/631242/19/nova/accelerator/cyborg.py@23
[4] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/631245/13/nova/accelerator/cyborg.py
[5] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/639376/
On 5/23/19 7:58 AM, Ikuo Otani wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a Cyborg member and take the role of integrating openstacksdk and replacing use of python-*client.
> Related bluespec:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/openstacksdk-in-nova
> My question is:
> When the first code should be uploaded to gerrit?
> From my understanding, we should update cyborg client library referring to openstacksdk rule,
> and make it reviewed in gerrit by Eric Fried.
> I'm sorry if I misunderstand.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ikuo
> NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories
> Server Network Innovation Project
> Ikuo Otani
> TEL: +81-422-59-4140
> Email: ikuo.otani.rw at hco.ntt.co.jp
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