[placement][ptg] Open Questions

Chris Dent cdent+os at anticdent.org
Mon May 6 01:23:31 UTC 2019

A few questions we failed to resolve during the PTG that we should
work out over the next couple of weeks.

* There are two specs in progress related to more flexible ways to
   filter traits:

    * any trait in allocation candidates

    * support mixing required traits with any traits

   Do we have pending non-placement features which depend on the
   above being completed? I got the impression during the
   nova-placement xproj session that maybe they were, but it's not
   clear. Anyone willing to state one way or another?

* We had several RFE stories already in progress, and have added a
   few more during the PTG. We have not done much in the way of
   prioritizing these. We certainly can't do them all. Here's a link
   to the current RFE stories in the placement group (this includes
   placement, osc-placement and os-*).


   I've made a simple list of those on an etherpad, please register
   you +1 or -1 (or nothing) on each of those. Keep in mind that
   there are several features in "Update nested provider support to
   address train requirements" and that we've already committed to

Please let me know what I've forgotten.

Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶           https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent

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