[tc] Project repository namespaces
Mohammed Naser
mnaser at vexxhost.com
Fri Mar 29 00:41:57 UTC 2019
On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 6:51 AM Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org> wrote:
> Zane Bitter wrote:
> > On 19/03/19 5:45 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> >> 4) Create several namespaces to match the OpenStack map[1] buckets:
> >>
> >> - openstack/ to hold first-level components in the central box
> >> - openstack-operations/ to hold operational tooling from the rights box
> >
> > The line between these two is extremely blurry. (e.g. Monasca includes
> > some of the same functionality as Aodh, but they're in different boxes.)
> > I don't think it would be helpful to have them in separate namespaces.
> I agree that the distinction on the map is more product-marketing than
> technical, so it might be better not to have that bleed over repository
> names.
> > [...]
> >> - openstack-dev/ for all repositories that we end up creating in order
> >> to get things done but have otherwise no relationship with the end
> >> product
> >
> > This exists already, of course. Is there anything that you think should
> > be in it but is not?
> A lot of stuff! We create a lot of repositories in the process of
> producing "OpenStack software".
> - Governance repositories like openstack/governance or election
> - Team repositories like openstack/auto-scaling-sig or transparency-policy
> - Meta repositories like openstack/releases or requirements
> - Tools repositories like openstack/goal-tools or uc-recognition
> In addition to that, several openstack-infra repositories are very
> OpenStack-specific and would likely not migrate to an opendev/ namespace:
> - QA-oriented infra repos like openstack-infra/devstack-gate
> - OpenStack-specific repos like openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs
> Finally, specs repositories could also be considered a development
> process by-product thing.
I'm quite in favor of enabling projects with large number of deliverables to get
their own space.
As I've worked with Puppet OpenStack and OpenStack Ansible, splitting our work
into many different roles really makes it hard and duplicates a lot of
i.e. all our repos are openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova like, it
would be nice
for them to be: openstack-ansible/ansible-role-os_nova .. we would then we able
to follow the 'offiical' Ansible naming convention for role repo name
for example.
> --
> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Mohammed Naser — vexxhost
D. 514-316-8872
D. 800-910-1726 ext. 200
E. mnaser at vexxhost.com
W. http://vexxhost.com
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