[Magnum] Cluster Create failure

Navdeep Uniyal navdeep.uniyal at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Mar 28 12:37:44 UTC 2019

Hi Bharat,

Following is the output:

$ openstack image show fedora-atomic-latest
| Field            | Value                                                |
| checksum         | d7ae2346b11f8f8596be5ce1d11a9a62                     |
| container_format | bare                                                 |
| created_at       | 2019-03-27T10:51:03Z                                 |
| disk_format      | qcow2                                                |
| file             | /v2/images/7e74c270-face-4ead-892a-7029db727a61/file |
| id               | 7e74c270-face-4ead-892a-7029db727a61                 |
| min_disk         | 0                                                    |
| min_ram          | 0                                                    |
| name             | fedora-atomic-latest                                 |
| owner            | 4c6bc4445c764249921a0a6e40b192dd                     |
| properties       | os_distro='fedora-atomic'                            |
| protected        | False                                                |
| schema           | /v2/schemas/image                                    |
| size             | 702683648                                            |
| status           | active                                               |
| tags             |                                                      |
| updated_at       | 2019-03-27T10:51:06Z                                 |
| virtual_size     | None                                                 |
| visibility       | shared                                               |

-----Original Message-----
From: Bharat Kunwar <bharat at stackhpc.com> 
Sent: 28 March 2019 12:35
To: Navdeep Uniyal <navdeep.uniyal at bristol.ac.uk>
Cc: openstack at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Magnum] Cluster Create failure

Can you do `openstack image show FedoraAtomicImageName` and paste the output here?

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