[senlin][stable] Senlin Stable Maintainers Team Nominations

Duc Truong duc.openstack at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 18:22:55 UTC 2019

Hi Senlin Stable Team,

I would like to nominate Jude Cross and Erik Olof Gunnar Andersson to
the Senlin stable
review team. Both have been doing stable reviews and shown that they
understand the policy for merging stable patches [1].

Voting is open for 7 days. Please reply with your +1 vote in favor or
-1 as a veto vote.

[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/(project:openstack/senlin+OR+openstack/senlin-tempest-plugin+OR+openstack/senlin-dashboard)++branch:%255Estable/.*+(reviewedby:%22Jude+Cross+%253Cjucross%2540blizzard.com%253E%22++OR+reviewedby:%22Erik+Olof+Gunnar+Andersson+%253Cme%2540eandersson.net%253E%22)


Duc (dtruong)

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