[dev] [all] [ptl] Migrating legacy jobs to Bionic (Ubuntu LTS 18.04)

Ghanshyam Mann gmann at ghanshyammann.com
Thu Mar 7 16:55:50 UTC 2019

Thanks all who volunteer for their project and testing the jobs on bionic. 

Reminder for all other projects to plan for this activity. Only 5-6 projects have started the testing. 
I request PTL to plan someone for this activity. Feel free to ping me on #openstack-qa for any clarification. 



 ---- On Mon, 25 Feb 2019 09:05:47 -0600 Ghanshyam Mann <gmann at ghanshyammann.com> wrote ---- 
 > Hi Everyone, 
 > During Dec/Jan month, we have migrated the devstack jobs (zuulv3 native jobs) from Xenial to Bionic. [1].  
 > But that did not move all gate job to Bionic as there are a large number of jobs are still the legacy job. All the legacy job still use Xenial as nodeset.  
 > As per the decided runtime for Stein, we need to test everything on OpenStack CI/CD on Bionic - https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/runtimes/stein.html  
 > This is something we discussed TC meeting as one of the Stein items to finish in openstack community[2].  
 > I am starting this ML thread to coordinate the work to move all the legacy jobs to Bionic. I have created the 
 > Etherpad to include more details and  status check for each project gate- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/legacy-job-bionic 
 > The approach is the same as we did for previous migration for devstack jobs.  
 > 1. Push patch which migrates the legacy base jobs to bionic - 1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/639096/ 
 > 2. Each Project team, add the testing patch with Depends-on on base patch (example 639096) and confirm the status 
 >      of their gate on etherpad - Example: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/639017 
 > 3. Project jobs not using base job as parent, need to migrate their legacy job to bionic by own.  
 > Please add yourself as your project volunteer in etherpad and update the status accordingly. I am tagging [ptl] in this thread so that they can assign 
 > someone from their team if no volunteer.  
 > Deadline: 1st April to merge the base legacy job to bionic.  That gives around 1 month to test the jobs which I feel enough for each project. 
 > let me know if more time is needed, we can adjust the same. The goal is to finish this activity before Stein release.  
 > [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2018-December/000837.html 
 >        https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/devstack-bionic   
 > [2] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2019/tc.2019-02-07-14.00.html  
 > -gmann 

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