Today is feature freeze for Stein. osc-placement 1.5.0 has been released [1] and python-novaclient 13.0.0 should be released soon [2]. At this point I don't expect any last minute blueprints to be pushed through so any remaining blueprints will get deferred to Train and people can start re-proposing specs [3]. Having said that, Dan, Jay and I are working on trying to get at least the data model and migration change for counting quota usage from placement merged yet in Stein, which starts here [4]. The actual API code to use that will be deferred to Train but it would be good to get the data migration started in Stein to have fewer records to migrate in Train when the API starts relying on this data. There is no s-3 tag to be made for nova per the relatively recent change in how cycle-with-rc projects are released [5]. Remember that the Forum submission deadline is fast approaching (I am told it is March 10 now). Forum proposals for nova are here [6]. If you are thinking about submitting a forum session you should do it within the next 24 hours. You don't necessarily need to be in attendance either if someone else can chair your session to get feedback. RC1 for Stein is coming up in two weeks (March 21). The etherpad tracking TODOs for that is here [7]. In the next two weeks we need to be working on testing, daily bug triage [8], documentation (remember specs are generally a poor substitute for good in-tree feature documentation), and thinking about any nova-status upgrade checks we should add for Stein. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] -- Thanks, Matt