[sdk] Proposing Artem Goncharov (gtema) for core

David Shrewsbury shrews at redhat.com
Fri Mar 1 14:43:35 UTC 2019


On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 8:59 AM Monty Taylor <mordred at inaugust.com> wrote:

> Hey everybody,
> I'd like to propose making gtema core on openstacksdk.
> He regularly reviews all the stuff coming through, even the crazy stuff
> I generate, and those reviews are thorough without being nitpicky. He's
> definitely caught mistakes I'e made with my brainhole.
> He's also been doing a bunch of great dev work which shows a good
> understanding of the mechanics of the codebase. This includes but is not
> limited to the recent addition of DNS support as well as increasing our
> glance coverage. Not just that though - when faced with "yeah, that's
> great, but we need to add some deep systemic support for a new
> underlying concept before you can add that feature" he totally went off
> and did the slog of updating the guts first.
> All in all, he's totally active in the project and has shown a good
> understanding of what's going on.
> Thoughts?
> Monty
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