[placement] update 19-02

Chris Dent cdent+os at anticdent.org
Fri Jan 18 15:44:57 UTC 2019

HTML: https://anticdent.org/placement-update-19-02.html

Hi! It's a placement update! The main excitement this week is we had
a meeting to check in on the state of extraction and figure out the
areas that need the most attention. More on that in the extraction
section within.

# Most Important

Work to complete and review changes to deployment to support
extracted placement is the main thing that matters.

# What's Changed

* Placement is now able to publish release notes.

* Placement is running python 3.7 unit tests in the gate, but not
   functional (yet).

* We had that meeting and [Matt made some

# Bugs

* Placement related [bugs not yet in progress](https://goo.gl/TgiPXb): 15.
* [In progress placement bugs](https://goo.gl/vzGGDQ) 16. Stable.

# Specs

Last week was spec freeze so I'll not list all the specs here, but
for reference, there were 16 specs listed last week and all 16 of
them are neither merged nor abandoned.

# Main Themes

The reshaper work was restarted after discussion at the meeting
surfaced its stalled nature. The libvirt side of things is due some
refactoring while the xenapi side is waiting for a new owner to come
up to speed. Gibi has proposed a related functional test. All of
that at:

* <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/reshape-provider-tree+status:open>

Also making use of nested is this spectacular stack of code at

* <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/bandwidth-resource-provider>

Eric's in the process of doing lots of cleanups to how often the
ProviderTree in the resource tracker is checked against placement,
and a variety of other "let's make this more right" changes in the
same neighborhood:

* Stack at: <https://review.openstack.org/#/c/615677>

That stuff is very close to ready and will make lots of people happy
when it merges. One of the main areas of concern is making sure it
doesn't break things for Ironic.

## Extraction

As noted above, there was a meeting which resulted in [Matt's
an updated [extraction
and an improved understanding of where things stand.

The critical work to ensure a healthy extraction is with getting
deployment tools working. Here are _some_ of the links to that work:

* [TripleO](https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:tripleo-placement-extraction)
* [OpenStack
* [Kolla and Kolla
   and [kolla upgrade](https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:upgrade-placement)

We also worked out that getting the online database migrations
happening on the placement side of the world would help:

* [in placement](https://review.openstack.org/#/c/624942/)
* [use in grenade](https://review.openstack.org/#/c/631614/)

Documentation is mostly in-progress, but needs some review from
packagers. A change to
depends on the [initial placement install

There is a patch to [delete
placement](https://review.openstack.org/#/c/618215/) from nova on
which we've put an administrative -2 until it is safe to do the

# Other

There are 13 [open
in placement itself. Several of those are easy win cleanups.

Of those placement changes, the
ones are the most important.

Outside of placement (I've decided to trim this list to just stuff
that's seen a commit in the last two months):

* <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:minimum-bandwidth-allocation-placement-api>
   Neutron minimum bandwidth implementation

* <https://review.openstack.org/#/c/621645/>
   WIP: add Placement aggregates tests (in tempest)

* <https://review.openstack.org/627326>
   blazar: Consider the number of reservation inventory

* <https://review.openstack.org/622316>
   Add placement client for basic GET operations (to tempest)

# End

Because I wanted to see what it might look like, I made a toy VM
scheduler and placer, using etcd and placement. Then I wrote a [blog
I wish there was more time for this kind of educational and
exploratory playing.
Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶           https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent

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