Issues setting up a SolidFire node with Cinder

Grant Morley grant at
Thu Jan 10 13:16:58 UTC 2019

Hi all,

We are in the process of trying to add a SolidFire storage solution to 
our existing OpenStack setup and seem to have hit a snag with cinder / 

We are trying to create a bootable volume to allow us to launch an 
instance from it, but we are getting some errors in our cinder-volumes 
containers that seem to suggest they can't connect to iscsi although the 
volume seems to create fine on the SolidFire node.

The command we are running is:

openstack volume create --image $image-id --size 20 --bootable --type 
solidfire sf-volume-v12

The volume seems to create on SolidFire but I then see these errors in 
the "cinder-volume.log"

The volume containers can talk to the iscsi VIP on the SolidFire so I am 
a bit stuck and wondered if anyone had come across any issues before?

Kind Regards,

Grant Morley
Cloud Lead
Absolute DevOps Ltd
Units H, J & K, Gateway 1000, Whittle Way, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 2FP <> 
grant at <mailto:grant at> 0845 874 0580
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