OpenInfra Day Vietnam 2019 - pre-CFP

Trinh Nguyen dangtrinhnt at
Wed Feb 27 03:35:56 UTC 2019


This is the pre-calling for presentations at the OpenInfra Day in Vietnam
this year. If you love to visit Hanoi <>,
the capital of Vietnam, and share your passion for the Open Infrastructure
of any topic, please let me know by replying to this email. Below is the
tentative information of the event:

- Date: 31 August 2019
- Location: Hanoi, Vietnam

We are working with the OpenStack Foundation to organize the Upstream
Institute at the day so this will be a great opportunity for potential
contributors to come and learn. There is also a couple of PTLs and projects
core members have shown their interest in visiting Hanoi for this event.

We will send out the official call-for-presentations after we've done with
the logistic vendors and It would be around the beginning of May or sooner.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

See you in Hanoi :)


*Trinh Nguyen*
* <>*
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