Hello, Here is the 11th update (Feb 13 to Feb 19, 2019) on collaboration on os_tempest[1] role between TripleO and OpenStack-Ansible projects. Summary: This week was still a calm week. we unblocked the os_heat CI, thanks to mnaser, odyssey4me and guilhermesp. In os_tempest we can also disable the router ping and run mistral tempest tests. Default zero disk flavor to RULE_ADMIN_API in Stein [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/603910/] patch in nova broke python-tempestconf, but os_tempest was working fine as it has already using DISK=1. Now everything is fixed Things got merged: os_tempest * Add tempest_service_available_mistral with distro packages - https://review.openstack.org/635180 * Add option to disable router ping - https://review.openstack.org/636211 python-tempestconf * Update image flavor to have some disk - https://review.openstack.org/637679 os_heat * Fixed the egg name of heat to openstack_heat - https://review.openstack.org/635518 Things in progress: os_tempest * Ensure stackviz wheel build is isolated - https://review.openstack.org/637503 * Added tempest.conf for heat_plugin - https://review.openstack.org/632021 * Use the correct heat tests - https://review.openstack.org/630695 * Added dependency of os_tempest role - https://review.openstack.org/632726 * Revert "Only init a workspace if doesn't exists" - https://review.openstack.org/637801 TripleO: * Reuse the validate-tempest skip list in os_tempest - https://review.openstack.org/634380 Note: os_tempest tripleo CI got broken, we are working on fixing this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1816552 Upcoming week: * Complete heat support in os_tempest Here is the 10th update [2]. Have queries, Feel free to ping us on #tripleo or #openstack-ansible channel. Links: [1.] http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest [2.] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/002608.html Thanks, Chandan Kumar